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Study Shows More Sex Could Change Shape of Your Cock

Have you ever wanted your cock to look a bit different? Perhaps you want to increase the girth or you wish it would be just a bit longer. Well, a new study published in the Evolution Journal has proven that having more sex can really cause your dick to grow – no pills or pumps needed. The study is promising, but it is unfortunate because it was performed on lab friends and not on people, but the results do show promise for mankind as well. Both sexes of the burying beetles that were studied grew enlarged genitals the more sex they had.

Dr. Megan Head, the person who wrote the study noted “It takes two to tango, so when changes in shape in one sex leads to corresponding changes in the other sex this is known as co-evolution.” The study was performed over 10 generations in the lab, which is why these types of beings are prefered over humans, because 10 generations of humans could take a really long time to pass. However, if you have a lot of sex now, you could be setting up your future progeny to have more developed sexual organs! Apparently, according to these scientists, 10 generations is a relatively short amount of time for such an extreme evolutionary change to take place.

“It’s fascinating how genital evolution can happen so fast – in ten generations – showing how rapidly evolutionary changes can occur.” Says Dr. Paul Hopwood of University of Exeter. While you can’t really get yourself a bigger dick, you better start fucking if you want your great great great great grands to have a chance in the college locker room and the opportunity to get with the ladies as they please. If there is one thing that hasn’t changed about society it’s that bigger is always better.

Source: Study Shows More Sex Could Change Shape of Your Cock

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